

Boehringer Ingelheim Academy 2018

In Leading Graduate School program, the Program hosted by Boehringer Ingelheim Academy is positioned as "Therapeutic Training (Japan-based training)" from FY2018. Therapeutic Training leads to a credit acquisition by participating both overseas training and Japan-based training.

【Boehringer Ingelheim Academy Program】

 Date :15 November (Thu), 2018 from 10:00
 Venue:Nihonbashi Life Science Building 2F

 LGS Participants:【5th-year member】 Yuriko Yamazaki
          【6th-year member】 Ika Nindya、Maulana Antiyan Empitu、
                     Alimu Yikelamu、Paul Sudip Kumar、Kazuma Iida


  10:00 Opening Remark (Dr. Henri Doods, Boehringer Ingelheim (BI))
  10:05 Introduction "From idea to start-up" and aim of the workshop
     (Dr. Amélia Viana, BI)
  10:20 Open Innovation in Pharma 
     (Dr. Adrian Carter, BI)
  10:35 The path to successful drug discovery and development
     (Dr. Paul Nicklin, BI)
  11:05 The steps from idea to start-up: what is needed?
     (Dr. Takato Noumi, FORESIGHT&LINX)
  11:35 Coffee Break
  11:45 Pitch presentations by start-ups (5 min / Project, each Proposer)
  12:40 Networking lunch 

  13:30-17:00 Mentoring by the Masters(Closed Session in English)
  13:30-17:00 networking event(Open Session in Japanese)

 See the site for the details
 【Boehringer Ingelheim Academy

(Excellent Reports) See the PDF for the details

 6th-year member:Ika Nindya Kadariswantiningsih
 LGS国内実習報告書_ (Boehringer Ingelheim)_Ika Nindya Kadariswantiningsih