千葉大学 形成外科





  1. Akita S, Yamaji Y, Kuriyama M, Tokumoto H, Ishigaki T, Tezuka T, Ogata H, Kubota Y, Mitsukawa N. Intraoperative Detection of Efferent Lymphatic Vessels Emerging from Lymph Node during Lymphatic Microsurgery. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2019.
  2. Tokumoto H, Akita S, Arai M, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. A comparison study of deep muscle sparing transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap for breast reconstruction. Microsurgery. 2019.
  3. Ishigaki T, Akita S, Suzuki H, Udagawa A, Mitsukawa N. Postaxial polydactyly of the hand in Japanese patients: Case series reports. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2019.
  4. Sasahara Y, Kubota Y, Kosaka K, Adachi N, Yamaji Y, Nagano H, Akita S, Kuroda M, Tanaka T, Bujo H, Mitsukawa N. Adipose-Derived Stem Cells and Ceiling Culture-Derived Preadipocytes Cultured from Subcutaneous Fat Tissue Differ in Their Epigenetic Characteristics and Osteogenic Potential. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2019, 144;3:644-655.
  5. Akita S, Namiki T, Kawasaki Y, Rikihisa N, Ogata H, Tokumoto H, Tezuka T, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Nakamura M, Mitsukawa N. The beneficial effect of traditional Japanese herbal (Kampo) medicine, Hochu-ekki-to (Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang), for patients with chronic wounds refractory to conventional therapies: A prospective, randomized trial. Wound Repair Regen. 2019, 27;6:672-679.
  6. Tokumoto H, Akita S, Arai M, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. A method using the cephalic vein for superdrainage in breast reconstruction. Microsurgery. 2019, 39;6:502-508.
  7. Kubota Y, Kosaka K, Hokazono T, Yamaji Y, Tezuka T, Akita S, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. Disseminated zoster in an adult patient with extensive burns: a case report. Virol J. 2019, 16;1:68.


  1. 窪田 吉孝. 【症候/疾患別 臨床検査値使いこなし完全ガイド】 (第2章)症候別にみる検査値 熱傷. 薬事, 61;2:267-273, 2019.
  2. 秋田 新介, 三川 信之. 【実践!リンパ浮腫のケア】外科治療. WOC Nursing, 7;12:55-60, 2019.
  3. 三川 信之, 雑賀 厚臣, 上薗 健一, 林 稔. 【後頭蓋骨延長術の適応と有効性】症候群性狭頭症に対する後頭蓋骨延長の手術適応とその意義について. 形成外科, 62;12:1379-1389, 2019.
  4. 三川 信之. 【Maxillofacial Surgery】小下顎症 実際の手術と問題点. PEPARS, 156:20-25, 2019.
  5. 三川 信之. 【熱傷の局所治療マニュアル】特殊部位熱傷 陰部・臀部. PEPARS, 155:66-71, 2019.
  6. 山路 佳久, 三川 信之. 【鼻の再建外科】皮膚悪性腫瘍切除後の外鼻再建の工夫. PEPARS, 153:21-26, 2019.
  7. 雑賀 厚臣, 三川 信之. 【鼻の再建外科】口唇口蓋裂以外の鼻の先天異常. PEPARS, 153:8-13, 2019.
  8. 窪田 吉孝, 三川 信之. 【形成外科の治療指針update 2019】外傷 動物による外傷 ヒアリ、マダニ. 形成外科, 62;増刊:S19, 2019.
  9. 窪田 吉孝, 三川 信之. 【形成外科の治療指針update 2019】外傷 動物による外傷 ハチ. 形成外科, 62;増刊:S18, 2019.
  10. 永竿 智久, 三川 信之. 漏斗胸の至適の手術時期と手術方法 胸郭が軟らかい8~14歳に、ナス法にて矯正手術を行う. 日本医事新報, 4970:49, 2019.
  11. 三川 信之, 森岡 大地. 形成外科分野での英語論文を投稿する際、target journalの選定方法は? どのような読者をtargetにしたいのかを自分の中で明確にすることが大切. 日本医事新報, 4967:52-53, 2019.
  12. 雑賀 厚臣, 秋田 新介. 遊離皮弁術後のモニタリングと皮弁救済の最適解は? 遊離皮弁の「命綱」、intra-flap vascular catheterization法. 日本医事新報, 4950:60-61, 2019.
  13. 大森 直子, 河野 世章, 三川 信之. 臍ヘルニアと白線ヘルニア併存の1例. 形成外科, 62;11:1300-1305, 2019.
  14. 林 みどり, 三川 信之, 窪田 吉孝, 手塚 崇文. 潰瘍性大腸炎に伴う鞍鼻変形の治療経験. 日本美容外科学会会報, 41;4:195-204, 2019.
  15. 安田 紗緒里, 窪田 吉孝, 笹原 資太郎, 三川 信之. 下肢広範囲熱傷の経過中に下部消化管穿孔が疑われた1例. 熱傷, 45;5;217-223, 2019.
  16. 山路 佳久, 三川 信之, 栗山 元根, 窪田 吉孝, 秋田 新介, 手塚 崇文, 緒方 英之, 島内 香江, 林 みどり, 田村 健, 石井 健太郎, 前井 遥. 様々な下顎再建に対応可能なサージカルガイドの作成. 日本シミュレーション外科学会会誌, 27;1:15-18, 2019.
  17. 王 怡, 窪田 吉孝, 金 佑吏, 三川 信之. ペットボトルによる陰茎絞扼症の1例. 日本形成外科学会会誌, 39;5:231-238, 2019.



  1. Yamaji Y, Akita S, Akita H, Miura N, Gomi M, Manabe I, Kubota Y, Mitsukawa N.
    Development of a mouse model for the visual and quantitative assessment of lymphatic trafficking and function by in vivo imaging. Sci Rep. 2018. 12;8:5921.
  2. Kuriyama M, Yoshida Y, Ninomiya H, Yamamoto S, Sasaguri S, Akita S, Mitsukawa N. Efficacy of a novel strategy for poststernotomy deep sternal infection after thoracic aorta replacement using a prosthetic graft. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2018
  3. Tokumoto H, Akita S, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. Use of Vascularized Sural Nerve Grafts for Sciatic Nerve Reconstruction After Malignant Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Resection in the Lower Legs. Ann Plast Surg. 2018, 80:379-383.
  4. Akita S, Tokumoto H, Mitsukawa N. Vectra 3D Imaging for Suprapubic Lymphedema and Volume Change of the Lower Abdomen Associated with Lower Extremity Lymphedema. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018.
  5. Akita S, Tokumoto H, Mitsukawa N. Vectra 3D Imaging for Quantitative Volumetric Analysis of the Upper Limb: A Feasibility Study for Tracking Outcomes of Lymphedema Treatment. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018, 141;5:787e-788e.
  6. Tokumoto H, Akita S, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. Utilization of Three-Dimensional Photography (VECTRA) for Evaluation of Lower Limb Lymphedema in Patients Following Lymphovenous Anastomosis. Lymphat Res Biol. 2018.
  7. Akita S, Yamaji Y, Tokumoto H, Sasahara Y, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. Improvement of the efficacy of vascularized lymph node transfer for lower-extremity lymphedema via a prefabricated lympho-venous shunt through lymphaticovenular anastomosis between the efferent lymphatic vessel and small vein in the elevated vascularized lymph node. Microsurgery. 2018, 38;3:270-277.
  8. Akita S, Yamaji Y, Tokumoto H, Sasahara Y, Tezuka T, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. Intraoperative objective evaluation of venous congestion in deep epigastric artery perforator flap breast reconstruction: A pilot study. Microsurgery. 2018, 38;4:407-412.


  1. 三川信之【頭蓋顎顔面外科の感染症対策】 頭蓋形成術・顔面骨切り術での感染対策. PEPARS; 133, 63-67, 2018.
  2. 新井 美波, 三川 信之, 窪田 吉孝. 先天性副耳下腺瘻から移行したと考えられる頬部瘻孔の1例. 日本形成外科学会会誌, 38;9:491-495, 2018.
  3. 平野 正之, 三川 信之, 雑賀 厚臣. 熱傷後に不全型川崎病を発症した1例. 熱傷, 44;2:59-64, 2018.
  4. 三川 信之. 【形成外科 珠玉のオペ[2]応用編-次世代に継承したい秘伝のテクニック-】 顔面外科 クラニオマキシロ ハロー型骨延長器を用いた上顎骨延長術のテクニックとコツ. 形成外科, 61;増刊:S157-S163, 2018.
  5. 三川 信之. 【外陰部の形成外科】 尿道下裂. PEPARS, 137:7-18, 2018.
  6. 窪田 吉孝, 三川 信之. 【ベーシック&アドバンス 皮弁テクニック】 局所皮弁の基礎と応用. PEPARS, 135:1-9, 2018.
  7. 大森 直子, 三川 信之. 傍臍ヘルニアの1例. 形成外科, 61;10:1315-1319, 2018.



  1. Akita S, Yamaji Y, Tokumoto H, Sasahara Y, Tezuka T, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. Intraoperative objective evaluation of venous congestion in deep epigastric artery perforator flap breast reconstruction: A pilot study. Microsurgery. 2017.
  2. Akita S, Yamaji Y, Tokumoto H, Sasahara Y, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. Improvement of the efficacy of vascularized lymph node transfer for lower-extremity lymphedema via a prefabricated lympho-venous shunt through lymphaticovenular anastomosis between the efferent lymphatic vessel and small vein in the elevated vascularized lymph node. Microsurgery. 2018.
  3. Akita S, Yamaji Y, Tokumoto H, Adachi N, Sasahara Y, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. Abdominoplasty with Lymphatic Microsurgery for Patients with Secondary Lower Extremity Lymphedema. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017.
  4. Akita S, Ogata F, Manabe I, Mitsuhashi A, Nakamura R, Yamaji Y, Kubota Y, Mitsukawa N. Noninvasive screening test for detecting early stage lymphedema using follow-up computed tomography imaging after cancer treatment and results of treatment with lymphaticovenular anastomosis. Microsurgery. 2017.
  5. Akita S, Tokumoto H, Yamaji Y, Sasahara Y, Kubota Y, Kubo M, Kuriyama M, Mitsukawa N. Contribution of Simultaneous Breast Reconstruction by Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator Flap to the Efficacy of Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer in Patients with Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema. Reconstr Microsurg. 2017.
  6. Kira-Koizumi T, Mitsukawa N, Morishita T, Akita S, Kubota Y, Satoh K. Clinical Experience of Treatment of Facial Malformations in Oto-Palato-Digital Syndrome: A Familial Patient. J Craniofac Surg. 2017.
  7. Akita S, Mitsukawa N. Comparison of Preoperative and Postoperative Lymphatic Function is Essential to Understand the Changes in Lymphatic Function. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017.


  1. 山路 佳久. 雑賀 厚臣, 伊藤 奈央, 林 奈津子, 外薗 寿典, 古賀 由衣, 高島 広樹, 三川 信之. 手関節部完全切断再接着術後に数回の二次手術により改善を認めた1例. 日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌,30; 32-37, 2017.



  1. Mitsukawa N, Omori N, Tominaga M, Akita S, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Satoh K. Tissue expansion for correction of alopecia in a child with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. J Dermatol. 2016; 43: 1382-1384.
  2. Mitsukawa N, Kubota Y, Akita S, Hasegawa M, Saiga A, Satoh K. Urethroplasty Using Diverticular Tissue for Hypospadias. Low Urin Tract Symptoms. 2016; 8: 191-3.
  3. Mitsukawa N, Uchida Y, Sasahara Y, Akita S, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Satoh K. Halo-Type Distraction Device Used to Treat a Severe Midface Depression Fracture. J Craniofac Surg. 2016; 27: 1558-60.
  4. Mitsukawa N, Higaki K, Ito N, Muramatsu H, Karube D, Akita S, Kubota Y, Satoh K. Combination Treatment of Artificial Dermis and Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor for Skin Defects: A Histopathological Examination. Wounds. 2016; 28: 158-66.4.
  5. Kubota Y, Mitsukawa N, Chuma K, Akita S, Sasahara Y, Rikihisa N, Satoh K. Hyperpigmentation after surgery for a deep dermal burn of the dorsum of the hand: partial-thickness debridement followed by medium split-thickness skin grafting vs full-thickness debridement followed by thick split-thickness skin grafting. Burns Trauma. 2016; 4: 9.
  6. Kubota Y, Mitsukawa N, Omori N, Hasegawa M, Satoh K, Akita S, Suzuki TH, Kazama T. Chronic expanding hematoma on the linea alba after breast reconstruction using free muscle-sparing transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flap. Microsurgery. 2016. 36:259-60.
  7. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Kubota Y, Sakakibara M, Nagashima T, Satoh K. Delayed Partial Breast Reconstruction and Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer by a Superficial Circumflex Iliac Artery Perforator Flap. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016; 137: 490e-491e.
  8. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Tokumoto H, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Sasahara Y, Yamaji Y, Satoh K. Regional Oxygen Saturation Index: A Novel Criterion for Free Flap Assessment Using Tissue Oximetry. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016; 138: 510e-8e.
  9. Akita S, Nakamura R, Yamamoto N, Tokumoto H, Ishigaki T, Yamaji Y, Sasahara Y, Kubota Y, Mitsukawa N, Satoh K. Early Detection of Lymphatic Disorder and Treatment for Lymphedema following Breast Cancer. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016; 138: 192e-202e.
  10. Akita S. Differences between Low DIEP Flap and Low-Rise Scar DIEP Flap for Breast Reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016; 138: 365e-6e.
  11. Kosaka K, Kubota Y, Adachi N, Akita S, Sasahara Y, Kira T, Kuroda M, Mitsukawa N, Bujo H, Satoh K. Human adipocytes from the subcutaneous superficial layer have greater adipogenic potential and lower PPAR-γ DNA methylation levels than deep layer adipocytes. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2016; 311: C322-9.
  12. Uchida Y, Mitsukawa N, Akita S, Suzuki T, Mori C, Satoh K. An anatomical study of the pathophysiology of carotid cavernous sinus fistula associated with Le Fort III osteotomy. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2016; 44: 440-5.
  13. Tokumoto H, Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Hasegawa M, Kubota Y, Adachi N, Suzuki T, Satoh K. An anatomical and histological study of the vascularized iliotibial tract graft. Microsurgery. 201 ; 36: 325-9.


  1. 窪田 吉孝, 小坂 健太朗, 安達 直樹, 笹原 資太郎, 秋田 新介, 黒田 正幸, 横手 幸太郎, 三川 信之天井培養由来増殖性脂肪細胞の性質および採取部位による部位特異的機能差. BIO Clinica. 2016: 31; 1101-1106
  2. 秋田 新介. リンパ浮腫の看護に役立つリンパ管機能検査. リンパ学: 2016: 39; 37-40
  3. 秋田 新介がん看護に欠かせない リンパ浮腫の知識とケア】 <リンパ浮腫の治療> 外科治療・その他の治療法. がん看護. 2016; 1: 513-515.
  4. 秋田 新介, 徳元 秀樹, 山路 佳久【リンパ浮腫治療の最前線】 血管柄付きリンパ節移植 その適応と課題. 形成外科.2016; 59: 833-840.
  5. 緒方 英之, 三川 信之. Partial-thickness cross-lip flapとnasolabial V-Y advancement flapを併用した上口唇再建の1例. 日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌.32; 240-245, 2016.



  1. Satoh K, Mitsukawa N, Kubota Y, Akita S.:Appropriate indication of fronto-orbital advancement by distraction osteogenesis in syndromic craniosynostosis: Beyond the conventional technique.J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2015 Dec;43(10):2079-84
  2. Saiga A, Mitsukawa N, Yamaji Y:Reconstruction using 'triangular approximation' of bone grafts for orbital blowout fractures. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2015 Oct;43(8):1369-73.
  3. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Tokumoto H, Kuriyama M, Kubota Y, Kira T, Sasahara Y, Sakakibara M, Nagashima T, Satoh K: Low-rise scar deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap for breast reconstruction.Microsurgery. 2015 Sep;35(6):451-6
  4. Adachi N, Kubota Y, Kosaka K, Akita S, Sasahara Y, Kira T, Kuroda M, Mitsukawa N, Bujo H, Satoh KLow-dose radiation pretreatment improves survival of human ceiling culture-derived proliferative adipocytes (ccdPAs) under hypoxia via HIF-1 alpha and MMP-2 induction. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2015 Aug 7;463(4):1176-83
  5. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Kuriyama M, Kubota Y, Hasegawa M, Tokumoto H, Ishigaki T, Togawa T, Kuyama J, Satoh K.:Comparison of vascularized supraclavicular lymph node transfer and lymphaticovenular anastomosis for advanced stage lower extremity lymphedema. Ann Plast Surg. 2015 May;74(5):573-9
  6. Mitsukawa N, Kubota Y, Akita S, Saiga A, Satoh K:Postsurgical fixation of a buried penis.J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2015 Mar;68(3):439-41
  7. Mitsukawa N, Saiga A, Satoh K.:Protocol of surgical indications for scar contracture release before childbirth: women with severe abdominal scars after burn injuries J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2015 Feb;49(1):32-5
  8. Mitsukawa N, Karube D, Saiga A, Akita S, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Satoh K.:Surgical treatment for congenital curved nail of the fourth toe. Ann Plast Surg. 2015 Mar;74(3):361-4
  9. Mitsukawa N, Saiga A, Akita S, Kubota Y, Kuriyama M, Satoh K.:Two-stage repair for severe proximal hypospadias using oral mucosal grafts: combination of a modified Bracka method and a modified Byars flap method. Ann Plast Surg. 2015 Feb;74(2):220-2


  1. 冨永 真以, 力久 直昭, 三川 信之, 佐藤 兼重:小児褥瘡発生例の検討.日本褥瘡学会誌(2015)17巻4号 Page473-478
  2. 三川 信之, 佐藤 兼重, 雑賀 厚臣:【美容外科に必須の形成外科の基本知識と手技】 眼瞼・眼裂 内眼角(monglian fold)→[内眼角形成]. 形成外科(2015)58巻増刊 PageS29-S36
  3. 小坂 健太朗, 窪田 吉孝, 三川 信之, 佐藤 兼重:涙腺導管貯留嚢胞の1例. 日本形成外科学会会誌(2015)35巻2号 Page116-119
  4. 三川 信之:【大腿部から採取できる皮弁による再建】 Posterior thigh flap. PEPARS(2015)101号 Page17-22
  5. 窪田 吉孝, 内田 光智子, 久保 麻衣子, 秋田 新介, 笹原 資太郎, 小泉 智恵, 金沢 雄一郎, 三川 信之, 佐藤 兼重:熱傷重症度判定基準における特殊部位熱傷項目の意義. 熱傷(2015)41巻1号 Page34-44
  6. 窪田吉孝, 三川 信之, 秋田 新介, 笹原 資太郎, 吉良 智恵, 金沢 雄一郎, 長谷川 正和, 佐藤 兼重:共用シャワーでのhydrotherapyにおける院内感染防止対策.熱傷(2015)41巻1号 Page15-25
  7. 力久直昭, 冨永真以, 佐藤兼重.(2015) 消退期以降の乳児血管腫に対して整容的目的でプロプラノロール内服治療を行った3例 形成外科 58(10):1141-1146
  8. 前田博教,栗山元根,吉田行貴,渡橋和政:TLA法を用いた皮膚温存乳房切除後の一期的乳房再建.高知県医師会医学雑誌20(1);87−93,2015


  1. 三川信之:専門医取得に必要な形成外科手技36 -口頭試問への対策-, 18 眼窩骨折, 166-173, 克誠堂出版, 東京, 2015



  1. Satoh K, Mitsukawa N, Abe T.: Is prophylactic decompression of the optic canal necessary in surgical correction of fronto-orbital fibrous dysplasia?: A review of 11 consecutive cases. J Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, 42(8):1614-1616, 2014.
  2. Kubota Y, Mitsukawa N, Akita, S, Hasegawa M, Satoh K.: Postoperative patency of the retrograde internal mammary vein anastomosis in free flap transfer.J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 67:205-211, 2014.
  3. Mitsukawa N, Morishita T, Saiga A, Omori N, Kubota Y, Akita S, Satoh K.:A case of Crouzon syndrome treated by simultaneous bimaxillary distraction. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 67:124-125, 2014
  4. Kubota Y, Mitsukawa N, Uchida M, Uchid, Y, Akita S, Hasegawa M, Satoh K.: Low‐level mesodermal somatic mutation mosaicism: Late‐onset craniofacial and cervical spinal hyperostoses.American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 164(3):741-747, 2014
  5. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Kuriyama M, Hasegawa M, Kubota Y, Tokumoto H, Ishigaki T, Hanaoka H, Satoh K.: Suitable therapy options for sub-clinical and early-stage lymphoedema patients. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 67:520-525, 2014
  6. Mitsukawa N, Saiga A, Morishita T, Satoh K.: Special distraction osteogenesis before bone grafting for alveolar cleft defects to correct maxillary deformities in patients with bilateral cleft lips and palates: Distraction osteogenesis performed separately for each bone segment.J Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, 42 (5):623-628, 2014
  7. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Rikihisa N, Kuriyama M, Kubota Y, Hasegawa M, Koizumi T, Ishigaki T, Uchida Y, Satoh K.: Reconstruction of the great toe using a pedicled medial plantar flap with anterograde venous drainage. Microsurgery, 34(5):398-403, 2014
  8. Mitsukawa N, Moriyama H, Shiozawa K, Satoh K.: Study on distribution of terminal branches of the facial nerve in mimetic muscles (orbicularis oculi muscle and orbicularis oris muscle).Annals of Plastic Surgery, 72(1):71-74, 201


  1. 徳元秀樹、秋田新介、三川信之、佐藤兼重:当科を受診するリンパ浮腫患者の検討. 日本形成外科学会誌.2014; 34:580-584. 



  1. Mitsukawa N, Kaneko T, Saiga A, Akita S, Satoh K. Early midfacial distraction for syndromic craniosynostotic patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2013; 66:1206-1211.
  2. Mitsukawa N, Saiga A, Kubota Y, Satoh K. Hair braiding method to prevent hair from entering the operating field on the scalp. J Craniofac Surg. 2013;24:e206-207.
  3. Mitsukawa N, Morishita T, Saiga A, Kubota Y, Omori N, Akita S, Satoh K. Dislocation of temporomandibular joint: complication of sagittal split ramus osteotomy. J Craniofac Surg 2013;24: 1674-1675.
  4. Mitsukawa N, Morishita T, Saiga A, Akita S, Kubota Y, Satoh K. Backward distraction osteogenesis in a patient with severe mandibular micrognathia. J Craniofac Surg 2013;24:1653-1656.
  5. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Komiyama M, Mori C, Satoh K. Anatomical study using cadavers for imaging of life-threatening complications in Le Fort III distraction. Plast Reconstr Surg 2013;131:19e-27e.
  6. Omori N, Mitsukawa N, Kubota Y, Satoh K. Gas-Producing Cellulitis from Injection of Spot Remover Fluid (n-Hexane). J Emerg Med 2013;44:385-388.
  7. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Rikihisa N, Kubota Y, Omori N, Mitsuhashi A, Tate S, Shozu M, Satoh K. Early Diagnosis and Risk Factors for Lymphedema Following Lymph Node Dissection for Gynecological Cancer. Plast Reconstr Surg 2013;31:283-290.
  8. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Kazama T, Kuriyama M, Kubota Y, Omori N, Koizumi T, Kosaka K, Uno T, Satoh K. Comparison of lymphoscintigraphy and indocyanine green lymphography for the diagnosis of extremity lymphoedema. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2013;66:792-798.
  9. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Rikihisa N, Himeta J, Kubota Y, Shimada N, Tokumoto H, Suzuki T, Satoh K. Descending Branch of the Perforating Branch of the Peroneal Artery Perforator-Based Island Flap for Reconstruction of the Lateral Malleolus with Minimal Invasion. Plast Reconstr Surg 2013;132:461-469.
  10. Satoh K, Mitsukawa N. Suitable indication for the application of distraction osteogenesis: occipital enlargement for lambdoid synostosis. J Craniofac Surg 2013; 24:1530-1534.
  11. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Kuriyama M, Hasegawa M, Kubota Y, Koizumi T, Ishigaki T, Tokumoto H, Satoh K. External valvuloplasty for subcutaneous small veins to prevent venous reflux in lymphaticovenular anastomoses for lower extremity lymphedema. Plast Reconstr Surg 2013;134:1108-1104.
  12. Kubota Y, Mitsukawa N, Arikawa R, Akita S, Satoh K. Fronto-parietal osteoblastoma with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst: a case report. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2013 ;66:270-3.
  13. Akita S, Mitsukawa N, Ishigaki T, Iwata S, Yonemoto T, Satoh K. Inclusion of the perforating branch of the tenth intercostal artery in the distal skin paddle of the divided latissimus dorsi flap. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Nov;132(5):886e-887e.


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  3. 雑賀厚臣、山路佳久、井上真由美、三川信之:「大腿部遊離皮弁のCTAによる術前評価」 形成外科 2013;56:1261-1270.
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  5. 大森直子、三川信之、外薗寿典、佐藤兼重:「7年後に甲状腺機能亢進症を発症した上眼瞼後退症の経験」 日美外報 2013;35:55-60.
  6. 内田光智子、三川信之、秋田新介、佐藤兼重:「上腕に発生したMondor病の2症例」 日本形成外科学会会誌 2013;33:534-538.
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