
篠田 健太

2012 | 2011 |
| 原著論文| 国内会議 |


Hirasaki‚ Y.‚ Iwamura‚ C.‚ Yamashita‚ M.‚ Ito‚ T.‚ Kitajima‚ M.‚ Shinoda‚ K.‚ Namiki‚ T.‚ Terasawa‚ K.‚ and Nakayama‚ T.   Repressor of GATA negatively regulates murine contact hypersensitivity through the inhibition of type-2 allergic responses.
Clin. Immunol.  2011;  139     267-276



岩村千秋、篠田健太、花澤麻美、中山俊憲 Selective expansion and functional modulation of memory Th2 cells by activated NKT cells in vivo 
Kyoto T Cell Conference第21回学術集会 2011-6-10 京都
